Sunday 1 February 2009

Earth (2007)

Patrick Stewart’s opening narration
Of all the planets in our universe, there is only one we know can support life. Just the right distance from its sun, with a perfect climate, it’s been called the lucky planet. All life on Earth is built on chance and powered by the Sun, but the delicate balances of our world are faltering as the planet struggles to support our growing demands. This is the time to take stock of what we have, and what we stand to lose.

Notice that you can chose HQ from the above arrow!

Pentru restul, tocmai am primit un mass:
22:12 2/1 pentru cei interesati sa afle cit mai multe lucruri interesante privind biocipurile si semnele sfirsitului lumii, ii anunt ca pe OTV la aceasta ora, se difuzeaza o emisiune extrem de interesanta si educativa pt cei care vor sa apere identitatea noastra de crestini si mai ales libertatea! sa invatam cu totii cit de imp e sa fim crestini cu adevarat si mai ales ca sufletul nu e de vinzare!

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